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Glam Lover Design



Regular price $375.00 USD
Regular price Sale price $375.00 USD
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SPANISH: Diseñamos tu pagina web, te damos opciones de hosts segun tu budget y plan de negocio. ESTO NO INCLUYE EL PAGO DE LA PLATAFORMA (que puede ser de $26 mensual o $190 anual depende de la plataforma que usted quiera, eso no depende de mi, ni es un pago para mi), SOLO DISEÑO Y CONFIGURACION DE ELLA. Nos encargamos de que tu pagina web luzca como siempre soñaste.🫶🏼

Trabajamos con Shopify, Wix & Square Space.

Creación de pagina web NO incluye dominio debera ser comprado en la misma plataforma los costos comienza en $12+ anual .

Creacion de website + clase para majear la pagina web. Te enseño:

-Agregar y eliminar productos.

-Como imprimir hoja de ordenes.

-Como crear o quitar colecciones

-Enviar marketing emails.

-Como realizar envios directamente desde la plataforma.

-Agregar descuentos.


POR FAVOR SEA ESPECIFICO CON LO QUE QUIERE, se pueden hacer hasta 3 arreglos cuando la pagina web este terminado, luego de eso, es su responsabilidad 


ENGLISH: We design your website, we give you host options according to your budget and business plan. THIS DOES NOT INCLUDE THE PAYMENT FOR THE PLATFORM (which can be $26 monthly or $190 annually depending on the platform you want, that does not depend on me, nor is it a payment for me), ONLY DESIGN AND CONFIGURATION OF IT. We make sure your website looks like you always dreamed of.🫶🏼

We work with Shopify, Wix and SquareSpace.

Creation of website does NOT include domain, it must be purchased on the same platform, costs start at $12+ annually.

Website creation + class to manage the website.

I'll teach you:

-Add and remove products.

-How to print order sheet.

-How to create or remove collections

-Send marketing emails.

-How to make shipments directly from the platform.

-Add discounts.


PLEASE BE SPECIFIC WITH WHAT YOU WANT, up to 3 arrangements can be made when the website is finished, after that, it is your responsibility.


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